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Have you fallen into the trap of the Superwoman Syndrome?

Are you caught up in the false illusion of “having it all”?

Do you constantly attempt to juggle several fulltime roles?

Are you always putting off taking time for yourself?

Has feeling overwhelmed become a familiar way of life?

Do you feel so distracted or exhausted from taking care of others that when you do have time to focus on yourself you are unproductive?

If some of this sounds like you then you may be caught up in the trap of "the Superwoman Syndrome".

So, when did Superwoman stop being a fictitious character and instead become how real women are viewed? Recently, a friend sent a cartoon with a child beaming up at a woman and in the background were characters depicting a maid, taxi driver, priest, chef, nurse, teacher and psychic with the caption, “Mom, we’ve hired a few people to fill-in for you while you relax on Mother’s Day”. The funny thing is that as women we can all totally relate and even think of a few more people needed to assist for the day (i.e. a beautician, decorator, event planner and a personal assistant for every other person in the family). Even those of us who aren’t mother’s or wife’s can relate to this all too realistic bit of humor about what may have become the societal expectation of being a woman “having it all" leading us unwittingly into … “the Superwoman Syndrome”.

Are you ready to turn in your cape, find your own limits, set realistic boundaries, remember the importance of taking time for yourself first and break free?

Join W.O.M.E.N. this Saturday, May 16, 2015 for our group coaching session,

“No More "Superwoman" ...Becoming just a Super Woman"

Time: Saturday, May 16, 2015, 9:00 am – 10:00 am Investment - $35.00 Location: 440 S. Perry St., Lawrenceville, GA 30046 register and pay at

Website: Phone (470) 215-7515

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W.O.M.E.N. is co-sponsored by DRM Consulting Services, Inc. and Inpowerment Incorporated, Inc.

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